And... Action

And... Action

Mark Natale
Mark Natale

As far as unparalleled mediums in the brand communication world go, it's without saying that film is where it's at!

And in our collective business (luxury real estate/hotels), the experience IS the product. More often than not, people want to see proof of concept before booking their on-site visit. Great filmmaking maybe the next best thing to being there and is often the final push people need to secure their arrange arrangements.

How do you ensure your films produce remarkable results with so much on the line? Here are three keys to making your films remarkable and the most productive (think ROI).

Make It Count

What an opportunity... 30-60 seconds of undivided attention (if you do it right) with a prospect for you to show them who you are, what you do, and (most importantly) why it matters. Most focus on the first two components of this concept (who and what) but then totally fumble why the prospect should care.

So, write your script/storyline to feature why your product is different.

That said, we see a lot of films try and differentiate their position with statements like:

"The brand required that we build spectacular interiors that maximized outdoor views."

What brand would not require that? What a missed opportunity to create an interesting and different definitive point of view!

If you are trying to truly differentiate (which is your goal), tell the viewer how you "only utilized Calacatta Michelangelo marble, as its minimalist properties honored the brand's ancient Italian roots" or any other aspects that differentiate your product and form your brand.

Have your film answers to questions like:

  • Why did the developer feel compelled to build this project?
  • What is the point of view of this brand that makes this a "must-see?"
  • Why is this project different from all the others that surround it?

If you cannot answer these questions, you have a bigger problem than we can address here. But if you have the answers, show and tell them in your film. So many miss this opportunity and, therefore, don't make the most of the moment.

Make It Beautiful

Unfortunately, so many people take a formulaic approach to building films.

"Interview the developer. Now...cue the architect. Utilize mediocre renderings and use glitch effects to hide the quality, rinse and repeat."

This approach makes us think of a great quote:

"Beware of Geeks Bearing Formulas" - Warren Buffett

Making intriguing films that drive inquiry and demand is based on art, not science. So, approach your film work as such.

  • Think cinematically about your shots.
    This goes for not just technical shots but editing options as well.
  • Show and tell the story.
    Create vignettes that captivate the audience. Here's your chance to tell a great story, not simply show what is in the space.
  • Make it believable.
    Hire professional talent who can act and model to make the scenes come alive. It's funny how many people just grab who's around (staff, friends) to fill these parts. DON'T!
  • Set the tone.
    Selecting the right music track can differentiate between a great film and garbage. Select stock tracks can work, but be careful not to sound like everyone else. If needed, hire an experienced musician to custom-score your film. It makes a huge difference.

Make 'em Stay

I'm always perplexed when I see a property's film hosted on its website using YouTube. The brand has done considerable marketing work to drive prospects to the site so they can be fully immersed in the offering. But by hosting your film with YouTube, you are just one click away from getting the prospect to focus on cat videos or someone being "humiliated." What a shame!

Host your film on your site utilizing Vimeo or a similar platform and set your settings for maximum focus. This will ensure that the prospect stays on your site and spends time with your product, minimizing the temptation to wade into the wacked world of online videos.

If you feel your property's film MUST be on YouTube for search purposes, post it by all means, but then use a separate link and platform to host the film on your site cleanly. This separation of "church and state" will ensure your marketing objectives are as productive as possible.

Film truly is an unparalleled tool in your quest to tell your brand's story and maximize your investment. But as we say, the proper approach means the difference between getting it right vs. getting it done. Most can get it done, but is that what you set out to do?

Wanna talk films? Hit reply and let's schedule a time to discuss how we might help shed light on your path to production.
Mark Natale
Want to connect with Smarthinking Inc.? Hit reply, and let's talk!

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